Funeral Music

Funeral Music

Music for the Funeral Liturgy at St. Jude


In times of grief and sorrow, we often turn to music as an expression of our faith — of those beliefs and hopes we sometimes cannot express in words.  Whether planning the Funeral Liturgy of a loved one or pre-planning your own, the music you select can say a lot about what you, your family and loved ones believe.  It can be a great source of comfort and consolation to the living.  The music you select can even inspire new faith or renewed faith in the lives of your family and friends.  We hope the musical choices below will help you to select music that is both comforting and up-lifting.


In the funeral liturgy there several opportunities for hymns:


  1. The Gathering Song [when we enter the church]
  2. The Song at the Presentation of the Gifts
  3. The Song at Communion
  4. Communion Reflection
  5. Song of Farewell
  6. The Closing Song.


We offer the following suggestions for your consideration. The placement of the music is usually best left to the discretion and experience of the parish musician.  You may hear samples at this site: Search Results | OCP.  Please note that not all songs on this site are available.  Refer to the following list.


Most Commonly Selected Hymns for Funeral Masses:


Amazing Grace


Be Not Afraid


Here I Am, Lord


How Great Thou Art


I Am the Bread of Life


On Eagle’s Wings


Prayer of St. Francis


You Are Mine


Other Frequently Selected Hymns:


Blest Are They


Behold the Lamb


Eye Has Not Seen


Gift of Finest Wheat




How Can I Keep from Singing


Like a Shepherd


Lord of the Dance


Lord, You Have Come (to the Seashore) / Pescador des hombres


One Bread, One Body


Panis Angelicus


Precious Lord


We Remember


We Will Rise Again


Entrance Hymns


       Amazing Grace


       Be Not Afraid


       For All the Saints


       On Eagle's Wings


       Here I Am, Lord


       O God, our Help in Ages Past


       Sing with All the Saints in Glory


       The Strife Is O'er


Marian Hymns (if desired, one of the following may be chosen for Presentation of Gifts or Communion Meditation)


Ave Maria


Amazing Grace


Blest Are They


Center of My Life


Hail Mary, Gentle Woman


Let There Be Peace on Earth


On Eagle's Wings


Prayer of St. Francis


Precious Lord, Take My Hand


You Are Mine


You Are Near


Song of Farewell (Final Commendation – sung when the priest incenses the casket, before the Closing Hymn)


Song of Farewell (May the choir of angels come to greet you . . .)


Song of Farewell  (Come to his/her aid….  Set to the tune of “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” - Old Hundredth)


Jesus Remember Me


O Loving God (words of the final commendation set to the tune of “Danny Boy” –Londonderry Air)


Communion Hymns


      Be Not Afraid


      Blest Are They


      Eat This Bread


      Eye Has Not Seen


      Gift of Finest Wheat


      I Am the Bread of Life


      Lord, You Have Come


      On Eagle's Wings


      Panis Angelicus


      Shepherd Me, O God


      Taste and See


      We Remember


      We Will Rise Again


      You Are Mine


Departure Hymns


       Amazing Grace


       Be Not Afraid


       For All the Saints


       How Great Thou Art


       On Eagle's Wings


       Sing with All the Saints in Glory


       The Strife Is O're


Responsorial Psalm (sung between the First and Second Readings by the cantor and congregation)


The following are the most well known settings


Ps. 23 Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen)


Ps. 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd


Ps. 27 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation


Ps. 91 On Eagle’s Wings


Ps. 103 The Lord is Kind and Merciful 


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