What is the OCIA Process?


The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process of conversion leading to the initiation into the Catholic Christian community. This process provides individuals the opportunity to encounter God and respond to His invitation to a new way of life in the Catholic faith. Grounded in a respect for the personal faith journey of each individual, the RCIA process provides an extended period of prayer, study, and fellowship in which each individual has the opportunity to grow in relationship with God and the parish community.


Conversion is not merely the acceptance of a particular creed, rather it is a change of heart . Some believe that when a person comes to Christ it is "business or life as usual". They feel that as a Christian, they can continue to live however they want. Conversion requires personal discernment engaging the whole person from both an academic and spiritual perspective. This personal discernment leads to both a new outlook on everything and a new relationship with Christ and others. Conversion is a change of mind stemming from a change of heart leading to a change in life .


Who is the OCIA Process for?


  1. Catechumens: Persons who have never been baptized and wish to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Holy Communion) in the Catholic Church.
  2. Candidates: Persons who were baptized in another Christian denomination and wish to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church by receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
  3. Candidates: Baptized Catholics who have not completed their initiation; by receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.


How does the OCIA Process work?


Individuals, accompanied by their Sponsor or Godparent, will meet weekly beginning in September and continue through Holy Week to reflect on and learn about what it means to be part of the Catholic Christian community – who we are, what we believe, how we celebrate and pray, how we relate with one another and with God. Inquirers will have the opportunity to ask questions as they embrace the conversion process and also reflect on their own personal faith journey. A sample calendar in a separate attachment details session meeting dates, topics covered, times, location, and all OCIA rites celebrated that will require both the Inquirer and his/her Godparent or Sponsor to attend.  


What Are the Next Steps?


Please complete the Inquiry Questionnaire and return it to Deacon Joe Cilia (djac912@stjudelewes.org)


OCIA Inquiry Questionnaire


Sample OCIA Schedule

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